cHILDCARE subsidy
reimbursement FORM
Do you need help with childcare cost in order to attend a Grow Group or Short-Term Group? Don't let the childcare cost keep you from attending a group!
HOPE will reimburse up to $20 per childcare event needed for attending a HOPE group.
This reimbursement policy applies only to gatherings officially through HOPE Community Church. Reimbursement is offered up to $20 per event with the aim of encouraging more families to connect in HOPE groups by offsetting childcare costs and reducing some financial burden.
Parents schedule and pay their own babysitter themselves, or groups hire a babysitter to watch the group’s kids on-site.
Each online form must be submitted within 30 days of the group meeting.
Checks are issued and mailed within 3 weeks of receipt of request. If requester has a church office mail folder, it will be delivered there.
No more than 4 requests can be made per month per family or group.
Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly...